Biltong LEAN (500g) (2x250g)

Regular price 179,99 zl

Biltong is a great source of protein and essential vitamins and minerals while being low in carbs. It's particularly rich in iron.

Biltong is a form of driedcured meat that originated in Southern African countries (South AfricaZimbabweMalawiNamibiaBotswana and Zambia). Various types of meat are used to produce it, ranging from beef to game meats such as ostrich or kudu. The cut may also vary, either fillets of meat cut into strips following the grain of the muscle, or flat pieces sliced across the grain. It is related to beef jerky in that they are both spiced, dried meats; however, the typical ingredients, taste and production processes may differ.


Biltong jest doskonałym źródłem białka oraz niezbędnych witamin i minerałów, a jednocześnie ma niską zawartość węglowodanów. Jest szczególnie bogaty w żelazo.

Biltong to forma suszonego, peklowanego mięsa, która pochodzi z Republiki Południowej Afryki. Do jego produkcji wykorzystuje się różne rodzaje mięsa, od wołowiny i dziczyzny po filety ze strusia z ferm towarowych. Zwykle jest wytwarzany z surowych filetów mięsnych pokrojonych w paski wzdłuż włókien mięśniowych lub płaskich kawałków pokrojonych w poprzek włókien. Jest podobny do suszonej wołowiny, ponieważ oba są przyprawionymi, suszonymi mięsami, jednak różnią się typowymi składnikami, smakiem i procesami produkcji; w szczególności główna różnica polega na tym, że Biltong jest zazwyczaj znacznie mniej słodki niż suszony

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Skye Thomson
The story

1kg of biltong bought, so four packs, and it tasted amazing. Saved them to share with girlfriend and her family, thinking I'd still get to eat most of it, but ended up begging for scraps.
1st pack went to the girlfriend and myself, good start where we shared 50/50. 2nd and 3rd pack to the family, never got to taste either of those packs, they disappeared very quickly and silently, even the gf didn't get a taste from those ones!
4th pack was special, I was gonna save this one, but then mothers day was coming up. I had everything, gifts were in place, but what kind of a boyfriend doesn't want to make his girl as happy as he can? So the 4th pack come out, added to the package as a special treat. Best gift ever! She loved it, she shared it, some of it. A lot of it stayed in that packet for later, saved for when I wasn't around.
That was good biltong, good enough that the Poles in my life tried for the 1st time and it disappeared as it did. Next time a 5th packet in secret for myself, live and learn!

lasse rognseth
Promotion not given.

I Ordered some Biltong after my good friend reccomende this shop. the biltong was fine, however there was a promotion that you got 100gram extra if you ordered 500G or more. this i did not get insted a got some sauce that was expiered in 2022. so i comtacte the shop, but i did not get any feedback.

Takunda Muzavazi

Awesome really loved it soft chewy and juicy reminds me of home 🏡

The red wine marinade and the extra spices did the trick. Yummy!

The red wine marinade and the extra spices did the trick. Yummy!